Payment methods

What is Covr's preferred method of payment?

Payment by credit card
CB, VISA, MasterCard ...

What are the alternative means of payment?

Payment by PayPal
Contact us to receive our Paypal link and make your payment.
The transaction is secured by PayPal.

Payment by bank transfer
Once your order has been confirmed, you will receive our bank details by email.
Please remember to include your order number in the transfer details.
Your order will be processed as soon as we receive your payment in our bank account.

Payment by administrative purchase order
The purchase order is reserved exclusively for local authorities in the public sector (schools, town halls, etc.).
Once your order has been validated, you will receive all the information you need to issue the administrative purchase order.
Please indicate your order number on the administrative order form.
The order is processed as soon as we receive the administrative order form.