How to choose your packaging for take -out?

Packaging is an important part of the take -out sales activity. This is what makes the customer want to come back and buy again. It is important to choose a Package for take -out which will represent your brand in the best possible way. He is part of the experience that the customer has had by choosing to order your dishes. Packaging is therefore a major asset that should absolutely not be overlooked when you choose to get into take -out restoration.

What materials to choose?

Packaging is important for the success of any food business. This could make the difference between a customer who buys your product or not. For example, if you sell fast food and have a paper bag rather than a cardboard box, it can make all the difference.

There are two main types of food packaging:

  • Le paper
  • the box

The paper is cheaper and easier to recycle, but it does not retain heat well, so food cools faster than if they were in a cardboard box.

The cardboard has a higher production cost and requires more energy than paper, but it can keep food warm longer, which means that customers can enjoy their meal longer without having to warm it up House or eating cold foods.

If you sell fast food, it may be preferable to use closed boxes or wraps well so that food remains hot longer. 

The design of the packaging is important. This can have an impact on the customer. Indeed, having an ergonomic and pleasant packaging offers customers a more satisfactory vision of the product.
The chosen material has an impact on the practicality of the packaging. Some boxes are particularly complicated to open. Let us think in particular of plastic boxes which, in addition to being polluting, are sometimes a real headache. Choosing a cardboard box allows both to make the packaging easier to use, but also to have a lower impact on the environment.

The chosen materials must be consistent with the values ​​of your brand. For example, if you sell healthy foods, you can use paper bags or compostable packaging.
It would be completely incoherent for a company to choose to wrap organic foods, respectful of the environment, without chemicals, in a plastic packaging, which pollutes it enormously.

The importance of design

Packaging is a key factor in the sales success of a restaurant. Customers want to have the impression of having them for their money, and the packaging must reflect this. If you order take-out dishes, you may not be able to see how your food is excited, but it will still influence your opinion on the restaurant.

The design of the packaging is important. This can have an impact on the general mood or the feelings of a customer when he looks at him. For example, if your brand is prestigious renowned, you will want to make sure your packaging is luxurious and high quality.

The first thing people notice when they see your packaging is what they look like. They want to know what type of food is inside, as it will dictate their expectations in terms of taste and quality of the meal. If you want to sell fast food, your packaging should be able to withstand its competitors.

You can also use photos that represent your product to attract customers and make them comfortable with it.

What price can be put in the packaging?

The design of take -out packaging can also influence the sale price that a customer pays for their food when they are wrapped and ready to be swept away to be eaten later. The design and style of the packaging, the color palette, the choice of font, the graphics and the photos all have an impact on the price that a customer is ready to pay for their food.

The price of a product is a key factor to determine the type of packaging that will be used, according to "Coca-Cola". For example, the emblematic drink costs less than $ 1 per bottle and has been wrapped in plastic and glass containers. Glass has a higher cost because it is more expensive to produce than plastic alternatives, but it also offers consumers experiences such as a superior taste and visual attraction.
Indeed, consuming the product is an experience. Taste is not the only factor that takes into account during this experience. The packaging has its role to play, because it is the means by which the customer must pass to consume the product he bought.

However, you must take into account the price that people are ready to pay for your product and the type of experience they expect from your brand when choosing packaging options. 

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