All about the covered kits

THE Single -use cutlery kits Are sets of disposable cutlery (forks, knives, spoons, etc.), generally made of plastic or wooden and intended to be used only once. They are often used during major events, festivals, parties, picnics, barbecues, etc. The advantages include ease of use, reducing cleaning and storage costs, as well as reducing the transmission of germs. The disadvantages include the negative environmental impact linked to plastic waste production and management.

The materials

There are several types of single -use cutlery kits, in particular:

Plastic kits: made of cheap and often disposable plastic.
Metal kits: Made of light metal, generally aluminum, and intended for unique use.
Compostable kits : Made from biodegradable materials such as corn or wood and intended to be composted after use.
Reusable plastic kits: made of durable plastic and intended to be washed and reused several times.
Bamboo kits : Made from natural bamboo and intended to be thrown after use.
The choice will depend on your personal preferences, your environmental goals and your budgetary criteria.

The range of covered kits

The cutlery kits 2, 3, 4 and 6 are sets of cutlery (forks, knives, spoons, etc.) comprising 2, 3, 4 or 6 rooms per kit respectively. They can be made from different materials such as plastic, metal, wood, bamboo, etc. and can be designed for unique or reusable use. The cutlery kits vary depending on the number of parts and the type of material used, but the advantages and disadvantages depend on the type of kit chosen.

THE 2/1 wooden covered kits are made up of a fork and a knife.
THE 3/1 wooden covered kits contain a fork, a knife and a towel.
THE 4/1 wooden covered kits As for them, contain a fork, a knife, a spoon and a towel.
Finally, the 6/1 wooden covered kits are made up of a knife, a fork, a spoon and a towel, as well as an individual salt sachet and an individual pepper sachet.

Single -use wooden covered kits in wood

THE Wooden disposable cutlery kits are sets of cutlery (forks, knives, spoons, etc.) made from untreated natural wood. They are designed for unique use and are generally considered a more ecological alternative to disposable plastic cutlery kits. The advantages include a reduced environmental impact, a natural texture and taste and a more attractive aesthetic. The disadvantages include a higher cost than disposable plastic cutlery, slower production and a shorter lifespan. Note that although the disposable wooden cutlery is considered to be more ecological, they can always cause problems for the environment if they are not properly managed after use.


Certifications related to wooden covered in wooden kits

There are several certifications linked to wooden cutlery kits, including:

FSC (Forest Stewardship Council): A certification which guarantees that wooden products come from forests managed in a sustainable manner.

PEFC (Program for the Endorsment of Forest Certification): a certification similar to the FSC which aims to promote sustainable forest management.

BPA-free (without bisphenol a): A certification which guarantees that the products do not contain bisphenol A, a potentially harmful substance.

USDA Certified Biobased Product: A certification issued by the American Department of Agriculture which guarantees that the products are made from renewable raw materials.

THIS (European compliance): A certification that guarantees that products meet European security and quality standards.

These certifications can help guarantee the quality and sustainability of wooden cutlery kits, as well as to promote ecological and responsible production. It is important to check the certifications before making a purchase to ensure the quality and sustainability of the product.

At COVR, find a selection of covered kits 2, 3, 4 and 6 for single wooden use. Our covered kits are made of wood from sustainably managed forests and FSC and alter Eco organic certified. Catering professionals: These covered kits are ideal for take -out and delight your customers. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information regarding the covered kits for take -out. Our team will be happy to find out so that you opt for the solution best suited to your activity.

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